Dedicated & Committed Parents
Let's Chat: Support Through Experiences is a support group for parents of people on the autism spectrum. After a two year hiatus, Let's Chat has restarted with a solid group of parents that are driven and dedicated in their concerns and efforts to help their loved ones on the autism spectrum.
At the start of our first meeting, each member filled out a questionnaire about the resources needed for our child/children, ourselves, and/or our family. Then we introduced ourselves and shared some of our main concerns. Below are a few examples of resources that parents may need.
One of the questions on the questionnaire asks parents if they have registered their loved one on the State Waiver lists. When we first received our daughter's autism diagnosis, many parents told us to register her on the state waiver lists because the waitlist is 10 or more years long. These parents told me to register whether or not our current income disqualified us because 10 years from now, you may not necessarily have the same income.
During our support meeting, we discussed behavior, providers, the need for support, diagnosis, and more. Our next support meeting is April 14, 2019, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at 12510 Malcomson Road Houston, Texas 77070.
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